It's always nice to see Candy in the gunge tank. It worked really well with custard, with a nice, steady series of pours that flowed down over Candy's hair, coating her skin and soaking her dress in a most delightful way. The two camera angles work really well. I especially enjoyed how the custard looked from the side angle, sliding down her face and into her cleavage. She ends up well covered. Also, even though clothes destruction doesn't usually push my buttons, I saw up and took notice when Candy ripped the front of her custard soaked dress open. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing her do more of that in the future. To top it all off, the second video shows Candy playing in the aftermath of the custard shower. It looks like she's really enjoying herself, and sharing that kind of genuine pleasure has always set Candy a joy to watch for me. I'd definitely recommend picking this up.
WritesNaughtyReviews 2/27/16